These 35+ People Didn't Hold Back When Sharing Their Best and Worst Celebrity Encounter Stories

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

We’re all aware that celebrities have perfectly curated images dreamed up by various PR teams. Regardless of what we may think about a given star, we know deep down that what we see could very well be a persona and the individual is really nothing like that. Well, these people came face-to-face with their favorite celebs, saw what they’re really like, and are spilling the tea!

Reese Witherspoon

Our first thought was that this can't be true because Reese Witherspoon does such an excellent job of giving off that Southern charm vibe. On second thought, though, we remembered that whole "Do you know who I am?" incident she had with the authorities, and now we're a lot more inclined to believe the OP's story.

Reese Witherspoon

It's safe to say that we feel truly disappointed, but we really should've seen this one coming. As the expression goes, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


We find this one truly surprising since, unlike most celebs, Beyoncé doesn't seem very interested in giving off a down-to-earth vibe. On the contrary, she goes by the monicker Queen Bey and enjoys leaning into a diva persona.


It seems that the pop icon plays the cliched role of a Hollywood star so as to keep her real personality private. After all, Beyoncé once said, "I'm grateful I have the ability to choose what I want to share."

Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldblum the Hollywood star and Jeff Goldblum the human being seem to be one and the same. The actor is well aware of how much his fans love him and he wants them to know that the feeling is mutual.

Jeff Goldblum

Goldblum has said, "I like when I go out on the street and people seem delighted. That's sweet. And they allow me into the sweet part of themselves. That's kind of a privilege and delightful."

Adam Sandler

The fact that the OP is impressed by Adam Sandler having basic manners says a lot more about other celebs than it does about Sandler. That being said, it's clear that the comedian truly cares about his fans.

Adam Sandler

When asked how he feels about being approached in public, Adam responded, "When I'm out eating, people do pull up a chair [...] I sit them down, I feed them, I let them hang out with my kids. My life's nearing the end. I want to meet as many people as I can."