40+ Hilarious Mannequin Photos That Had Us Laughing
This article appeared in ballercap.com and has been published here with permission.
Various stores and boutiques use mannequins to display their clothing items. But, sometimes, you have to wonder what store employees were thinking when you look at the mannequins used and how they are styled. From the more "regular" mannequins to the completely outrageous, stores try to set themselves apart from the rest when displaying their clothing items and accessories. But, how far are stores willing to go to stand out, and do their mannequins actually influence their sales and profits? Let's look at the most hilarious mannequin photos taken by customers in stores around the globe.

French Baguettes
We would love to know what the brief was for this particular style. Clearly meant to be French-inspired, this store employee tied baguettes to the mannequin's heads to give them a classic French theme. However, there are other ways this particular theme could have been captured.

Although, maybe the employee was slightly hard of hearing and heard "baguette" instead of a "beret." Nonetheless, this is how it turned out. Odd, but somehow it strangely just works.