35 of the Most Paused Movie Scenes in Hollywood History

This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.

Some of the most jaw-dropping moments in movies can happen so quickly that you simply have to pause to understand exactly what's happening. Blink at the following paused movie scenes and you might miss them!

The Lion King (1994)

In Disney's The Lion King, there is a scene where Mufasa and Sarabi are sitting on the rock that their son Simba was previously presented from to the animal kingdom and they gaze into the stars. Many believe that upon pausing, the dust and the falling stars clearly spell out a specific three-letter word. We will not spell it out for you, but it basically implies what Mufasa and Sarabi originally did to bring Simba into the world...

The Lion King (1994)

Before I Go to Sleep (2014)

Like so many paused scenes on this list, fans were desperate to capture one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood when she was at her most vulnerable. In Before I Go To Sleep, her character can be seen in a scene walking around seemingly without clothes on. Although it was confirmed that the character was, in fact, wearing something during the scene, it certainly did not stop fans from pausing and rewinding to make sure...

Before I Go to Sleep (2014)

Jaws (1975)

The beginning of Steven Spielberg's classic shark flick, Jaws, literally scared people out of the water in 1975 and it still gives viewers the creeps now. The opening scene shows the death of Chrissie and it's all downhill from there. Audience members were stunned, asking themselves, "Did that seriously just happen in the opening scene?" This was less a case of pausing to see something in more detail, more a case of pausing it, ejecting the VHS, and getting out of there!

Jaws (1975)

Deadpool 2 (2018)

In Deadpool 2, our favorite outspoken anti-hero hires a misfit team of superhumans called the 'X Force' to help him on his adventures. One of the most skilled members is the Vanisher, who is your classic invisible man. In a dramatic but funny scene, the Vanisher and the others jump off an airplane with parachutes but most of them die before reaching the surface. For a split second, Vanisher's actual form is revealed as heartthrob Brad Pitt!

Deadpool 2 (2018)